Curriculum Vitae

A short outline of my career.
- Born April 29th, 1955 in Rheinberg, Germany
- married, two sons
- Management assistant in real estate and housing industry
- Secondary School of business administration
- Vocational baccalaureat diploma
Occupational Activity
- 1976 to 1981: Real estate developer for the Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf and Housing Projects
- 1981 to 1986: Chief administrator of the Verwaltungsstelle Zivildienst Niederrhein
- 1986 to 1998: Department head of the Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund Nordrhein-Westfalen (Federation of German Trade Unions - Northrhine-Westphalian division)
- 1998 to 2000: CEU of the Landesversicherungsanstalt Rheinprovinz
- Since April 2016: Chairman of the board of directors of the Airport Cologne-Bonn
Political career
- 1998 to 2009: Member of the German Bundestag
- March 2000 to November 2000: Parliamentary State Secretary for transport, infrastructure and housing
- November 2000 to October 2002: Secretary for transport, infrastructure and housing
- 2001 to 2008: Chairman of the Forum "Sustainability, Energy and Mobility" of the National Committee of the German Social Democrats
- 2003 to 2009: Deputy Chairman of the Committee on European Affiars of the German Bundestag
- 2006 to 2013: Maritime Ambassador of the European Union in the Federal Republic of Germany
- In 2013 Head of the Commission "Substainable Trafficinfrastructurefinancing" of the European Commission
- Since 2014: European Coordinator of the Baltic-Adriatic-Core Network Corridor
- Since 2015: Head of the commission for "Bau und Unterhalt der Verkehrsnetze"
Parliamentary Memberships
- 2003 to 2009 in NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference, Western European Union and frequent Chairmanship of the German COSAC-Delegation during the Presidency of the European Council
- Since 1973: Member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
- Since 1974: Member of multiple DGB-Unions
- Member of multiple social and societal initiatives and associations
Honorary Capacities
- Since 2003 Chairman of the Baltic Sea Forum
- Since 2006 Member of the Supervisory Board of the Global Panel Foundation
- Since 2007 President of the Deutsche Verkehrswacht e.V.
- Since 2010 Vice president of the Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrates e.V.
- 2011 to 2014 Member of the Management Committees EU AVENUE Project
- 07.07.2014 Awarding of the certification of appointment as professor through Prof. Dr. Bertram, president of the Hochschule Osnabrück.
- 06.18.2014 Decision of the senate of the Hochschule Osnabrück for the appointment as honorary professor in ecnonomy- and social science
- Since 2013 honor professor at the Heifei University (China)
- Docent of the LOGinChina-project of the state of Niedersachsen and the Anhui-Province, China
- since 2013 member of the scientific advisory board of the MARIS-project of the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich
- since 2012 Member of the scientific advisory board of the major "International Suplly Chain Management" in Enschede, (Netherland), Münster and Osnabrück
- Member of the scientific advisory board of the major "Public Transport Management" of the University Duisburg-Essen (inactive)
- 05.02.2008 Cross of Officer of the Order for Merits to Lithuania
- 2011 Dieselring Award of the Verband der Motorjournalisten
- 2013 Senator-Lothar-Danner-Medaillie in gold, road safety award of the Bund gegen Alkohol und Drogen am Steuer (BADS)
- 2015 Badge of honor of the German Road Safety Association
- 2016 "Golden Belt" of the Motor Presse Club